The marriage contract transmits the groom’s obligations to the bride and is read during the ceremony.
In communities of Sephardic origin in Italy, North Africa, and the Balkans, marriage contract often have two columns, one about the marriage and the other one about the engagement.
What is a Ketubbah?
Arbib, Joseph Pino. Le Ketubbot: Esposte Nell’ufficio Del Rabbino Capo Della Communità Ebraica Di Roma [The Ketubbot: Exhibited in the Office of the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Rome]. Ed. Amedeo Spagnoletto, Rome: Litos, 2001.
Davidovitch, David, et al. The Ketuba: Jewish Marriage Contracts Through the Ages. Tel Aviv: E. Lewin-Epstein,1968.
Dolev, Gania, and Nitza Behroozi Bar-Oz, eds. A Local Wedding: Ketubbot from Eretz Israel 1800-1960. Tel Aviv: Eretz Israel Museum, 2004.
Grassi, Liliana, editor. Ketubbot italiane: Antichi Contratti Nuziali Ebraici Miniati [Italian Ketubbot: Illuminated Ancient Jewish Wedding Contracts]. Milan: Associazone Italiana Amici Dell’Università di Gerusalemme, 1984.
Melasecchi, Olga, and Amedeo Spagnoletto, eds. Antique Roman Ketubot: The Marriage Contracts of the Jewish Community of Rome. Rome: Campisano Editore and Museo Ebraico di Roma, 2018.
Passerman, Giuliana, and Laura Supino. Ketubot del Museo della Communità Ebraica di Roma [Ketubbot of the Museum of the Jewish Community in Rome. Jerusalem: ?? 1996).
Sabar, Shalom. Ketubbah: Jewish Marriage Contracts of the Hebrew Union College Skirball Museum and Klau Library. Philadelphia & New York: The Jewish Publication Society, 1990.
Sabar, Shalom. Mazal Tov: Illuminated Jewish Marriage Contracts from the Israel Museum Collection. Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, 1994.
Sabar, Shalom. Ketubbah: The Art of the Jewish Marriage Contract. Jerusalem & New York: The Israel Museum and Rizzoli, 2000.
Sabar, Shalom. “From Textual to Visual: Illustrated Ketubbot in the Braginsky Collection.” A Journey through Jewish Worlds: Highlights from the Braginsky Collection of Hebrew Manuscripts and Printed Books, edited by E.M. Cohen et al., Amsterdam: Bijzondere Collecties, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2009, pp. 159-223.
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