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Grace after meal prayer booklet



A prayer book for reciting grace after a meal.


What is the Birkat Hamazon? Jewish Blessing After a Meal


  • Hebrewברכון
  • GermanTischgebete
  • RussianБлагословения после еды
  • FrenchLivret d’actions de grâce après le repas
  • DutchBensjboek
  • ItalianLibretto con la Benedizione del Pasto
  • CzechPožehnání po jídle
  • HungarianAsztali áldás
  • SpanishOraciones de agradecimiento después de las comidas
  • GreekΠροσευχολόγιο για μετά το γεύμα
  • PolishKsiążeczka z błogosławieństwem po posiłku
  • Arabicكتاب البركة بعد الأكل
  • Yiddishהאַנטבוך פֿון בענטשן
  • LadinoBirkat amazon


Fishof, Iris. “Introduction.” Grace After Meals and other Benedictions: Facsimile of Codex Hebr. XXXII, vol. 1, Copenhagen: Forlaget Old Manuscripts, 1983, pp. 7-58.

Sabar, Shalom. “Seder Birkat ha-Mazon – Vienna 1720: Khtaw Ha-Yad Ha-Mezuyiar Ha-Mukdam Be-Yoter shel Ha-Sofer-Ha-Aman Ahron Wolf Schreiber Herlingen Me-Gewitsch [Grace After Meal Arrangement – Vienna 1720: The Earliest Known Illuminated Manuscript by the Scribe-Artist Aaron Wolf Schreiber Herlingen of Gewitsch].” Zekhor Davar le-ʻAvdekha: Asufat Maʼamarim le-Zekher Dov Rapel [Essays and Studies in Memory of Dov Rappel], ed. Shmuel Glick et al., Jerusalem: Lifshitz College and Bar-Ilan University, 2007, pp. 8-17, 455-72.

Scheiber, Alexander. “An illuminated Birkat Ha-Mazon Manuscript and its Copyist.” Studies in Bibliography and Booklore, vol. 3, no. 3/4, Cincinnati/New York: Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, 1958, pp. 115-21.

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