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Birth amulet and case


An object made of paper, parchment or metal created to protect the baby and the mother.


Ceremonial Dress in Times of Distress


  • Hebrewקמע ליולדת
  • GermanGeburtsamulett und Behältnis
  • RussianАмулеты для новорожденного и роженицы
  • FrenchAmulette de naissance et étui
  • DutchGeboorte amulet
  • ItalianAmuleto per il neonato e custodia
  • CzechAmulet pro novorozence a matku
  • HungarianGyermekágyi amulett
  • SpanishAmuleto de nacimiento y funda
  • GreekΦυλαχτό για τη γέννηση και η θήκη του
  • PolishAmulet na narodziny dziecka i futerał
  • Arabicحجاب وغلافه لحماية المولود
  • Yiddishקימפּעטבריוול / ילדות־קוויטל און קעסטל
  • LadinoKemea


Avizohar-Hagai, Chen, and Yuval Harari. “Childbirth Magic in Amulets and Recipes from the Gross Family Collection.” Windows on Jewish Worlds: Essays in Honor of William Gross, Collector of Judaica, on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, ed. Shalom Sabar et al., Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2019, pp. 335-49.

Battinou, Zanet, and Christina Meri. “Seeking Protection: Shaddayot and Alephiot in the Romaniote World.” Windows on Jewish Worlds: Essays in Honor of William Gross, Collector of Judaica, on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, ed. Shalom Sabar et al., Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2019, pp. 322-33.

Matras, Hagit. “Kmi’ot la-Yoledet ve-le-Yeled be-Yamenu [Amulets for Childbirth and the Child in Jerusalem Today[.” Rimonim, ed. Shalom Sabar, vol. 5, 1997, pp. 15-28.

Pedaya, Haviva. “Between a Mystical or Talismanic Garment and a Protective Robe for Bride and Mother.” Bi-bli-o-logia. The Book as Body, ed. by Drorit Gur Arie and Raphael Sigal, Petach Tikva: Petach Tikva Museum of Art, 2016, pp. 90-115.

Sabar, Shalom. “Childbirth and Magic: Jewish Folklore and Material Culture.” Cultures of the Jews: A New History, ed. David Biale, New York: Shocken Books, 2002, pp. 670-722.

Sabar, Shalom. “Herayion, Leyda ve-Hashanim ha-Rishonot [Pregnancy, Birth and Early Childhood].” Ma’agal Ha-hayyim (The Life Cycle), ed. Shalom Sabar, Jerusalem: Ben- Zvi Institute and the Ministry of Education,2006, pp. 14-91.

Sabar, Shalom. “Abraham bar Jacob and the Creation of his Copper-engraved Childbirth Amulet from Amsterdam, 1700.” Windows on Jewish Worlds: Essays in Honor of William Gross, Collector of Judaica, on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, ed. Shalom Sabar et al., Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2019, pp. 111-33.

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