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Chertificato de Bar-bat Mitsva


Un chertifikato ke se da al bar o la bat mitsva ala fin dela seremonya


  • Ebreoתעודת בר או בת מצווה
  • InglezBar-mitzvah or bat-mitzvah certificate
  • AlmanBar-Mitzwa oder Bat-Mitzwa-Zertifikat
  • RusoСвидетельство о бар-мицве или бат-мицве
  • FransesCertificat de bar-mitsva ou de bat-mitsva
  • OlandezBar- of bat mitswa oorkonde
  • ItalianoCertificato per il bar o il bat mitzvah
  • ChekoPotvrzení o bar micva nebo bat micva
  • UngarezIgazolás a bar micva vagy bat-micva szertartásról
  • EspanyolCertificado de bar mitzvá o bat mitzvá
  • GregoΠιστοποιητικό του μπαρ μιτσβά ή της μπατ μιτσβά
  • PolakoCertyfikat bar lub bat micwy
  • Araboشهادة التكليف (بار وبات متسفاه)
  • Yidishבר־ אָדער בת־מצווה סערטיפֿיקאַט

Lista de livros pertinente al suje

On the ritual ceremony:

Oppenheimer, Mark. Thirteen and a Day: The Bar and Bat Mitzvah Across America. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005.

Hilton, Michael. Bar Mitzvah: A History. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2014.

Hyman, Paula E., “The Introduction of Bat Mitzvah in Conservative Judaism in Postwar America.” YIVO Annual, 19, 1990, pp. 133-46.

Hyman, Paula E. and Carole B. Balin. “Bat Mitzvah: American Jewish Women.” Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. 2021.

Sabar, Shalom. “Tekes Bar-Ha’Mitzwa bemasoret ve be-omanut shel edot Yisrael [The Bar Mitzvah Ceremony in the Tradition and Art of Jewish Communities].” Rimonim, vol. 5, 1997, pp. 61-77.

Weinstein, Roni, and Shalom Sabar. “Bar Mitzvah [Bar Mitzvah].” Ma’agal Ha-hayyim (The Life Cycle), ed. Shalom Sabar, Jerusalem: Ben- Zvi Institute and the Ministry of Education, 2006, pp. 139-79.

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