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Zoccoli per il mikveh


Zoccoli decorati dati alla sposa dopo la sua immersione nel mikveh (bagno rituale).


Elemento proprio delle comunità sefardite turche.


What is a mikveh?


  • Ebraicoקבקבים למקווה
  • IngleseClogs for ritual bath
  • TedescoMikwe-Schuhe
  • RussoКлоги для миквы
  • FranceseSabots de bain rituel
  • OlandeseKlompen voor het rituele bad
  • CecoDřeváky do mikve
  • UnghereseMikve fapapucs
  • SpagnoloZuecos de baño ritual
  • GrecoΤσόκαρα για το μίκβε
  • PolaccoDrewniaki do mykwy
  • Araboقباقيب مغطس الطهارة الطقسية (المكفيه)
  • Yiddishטרעפּעס פֿאַר מקווה
  • LadinoEs’huekos


Juhasz, Esther, ed. Sephardi Jews in the Ottoman Empire: Aspects of Material Culture. Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, 1990, pp. 205-6.

The Sephardic Journey: 1492-1992. New York: Yeshiva University Museum, 1990, pp. 227-28.

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