(borsa per il tallit)
Contenitore o borsa in tessuto dove é custodito il manto rituale
Eis, Ruth. Ornamental Bags for Tallit and Tefillin of the Judah L. Magnes Museum. Berkeley: Judah L. Magnes Museum, 1984.
Sabar, Shalom. “Tekes Bar-Ha’Mitzwa bemasoret ve be-omanut shel edot Yisrael [The Bar Mitzvah Ceremony in the Tradition and Art of Jewish Communities].” Rimonim, ed. Shalom Sabar, vol. 5, 1997, pp. 61-77.
Weinstein, Roni, and Shalom Sabar. “Hafatsim meyiuhadim le-na’ar ha-nihnas le-Mitzvot [Special Items for the Bar Mitzvah Boy].” Ma’agal Ha-hayyim (The Life Cycle), ed. Shalom Sabar, Jerusalem: Ben- Zvi Institute and the Ministry of Education, 2006, pp. 170-75.
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