(sac pour talit)
Sac en tissu ou étui dans lequel on range le châle de prière lorsqu’il n’est pas utilisé.
Eis, Ruth. Ornamental Bags for Tallit and Tefillin of the Judah L. Magnes Museum. Berkeley: Judah L. Magnes Museum, 1984.
Sabar, Shalom. “Tekes Bar-Ha’Mitzwa bemasoret ve be-omanut shel edot Yisrael [The Bar Mitzvah Ceremony in the Tradition and Art of Jewish Communities].” Rimonim, ed. Shalom Sabar, vol. 5, 1997, pp. 61-77.
Weinstein, Roni, and Shalom Sabar. “Hafatsim meyiuhadim le-na’ar ha-nihnas le-Mitzvot [Special Items for the Bar Mitzvah Boy].” Ma’agal Ha-hayyim (The Life Cycle), ed. Shalom Sabar, Jerusalem: Ben- Zvi Institute and the Ministry of Education, 2006, pp. 170-75.
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