


Široký kožešinový klobouk okrouhlého tvaru, který nosí někteří chasidé.


A hat store in Boro Park, New York


  • Hebrejskyשטריימל
  • AnglickyShtreimel
  • NěmeckySchtreimel
  • RuskyШтраймл
  • FrancouzskySchtreimel
  • NizozemskySjtreimel
  • ItalskyShtreimel
  • MaďarskyStrájmli
  • ŠpanělskyShtreimel
  • ŘeckyΣτράιμελ
  • PolskySztrajmel
  • Arabskyقبعة الفرو العريضة (شتيرميل)
  • Jidišשטרײַמל
  • LadinoShtreimel


Jewish Concepts: Shtreimel.” Jewish Virtual Library.

Arnon, Dancho. Kova’im Ba-Rosh: Al Kisui Rosh be-Eretz Yisrael ve-Al ma she-Mitachtam [Headcoverings in Israel and What’s Beneath Them]. Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1995.

Eilen, Shia. “Traditional Levush: The Origins of the Streimel.” Hamodia, vol. 9, Nov. issue. 2005, pp 10-11.

Goldberg-Mulkiewicz, Olga. “Dress.” The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, 5 Aug. 2010.

Juhasz, Esther. “Men’s Headcovering.” The Jewish Wardrobe: From the Collection of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, ed. Esther Juhasz, Milan: 5 Continents Editions, 2012, pp. 64-77, 320-21.

Levy, Amnon. Ha-Haredim [The Ultra-Orthodox]. Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House, 1988.

Muchawsky-Schnapper, Ester. “[Men’s] Headcoverings.” A World Apart Next Door: Glimpses into the Life of Hasidic Jews, ed. Ester Muchawsky-Schnapper, Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, 2012, pp. 74-87.

Rubens, Alfred. A History of Jewish Costume. New York: Crown, 1973, pp. 105, 107, 111, 160.

Shapira, Moshe. “Charedi Dress in and around Meah She’arim.” Me’a She’arim we Swiwoteya [Meah She’arim and its Environs], ed. Shlomit Langboim and Eli Schieler, Jerusalem: Ariel, 2004, pp. 152-3.

Tzion, Mordechai. Halachot Shtreimel: Limudim, Halachot, Han’hagot ve-Hadrachot [The Halakhot of the Streimel]. Jerusalem: Hava Books, 2019.

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