

(Esreg-pushke )


אַ פּושקע פֿאַר דעם אתרוג.


Object Talk at the Jewish Museum London: Etrog Box from India


  • העברעיִשקופסה לאתרוג
  • ענגלישEtrog container
  • דײַטשEtrog-Behälter
  • רוסישКонтейнер для этрога
  • פֿראַנצויזישBoîte à cédrat
  • האָלענדישEtroghouder
  • איטאַליענישContenitore per l’Etrog
  • טשעכישSchránka na etrog
  • אונגערישEtrogtartó
  • שפּאַנישContenedor de cidra
  • גריכישΔοχείο για το ετρόγκ
  • פּאָלישPojemnik na etrog
  • אַראַבישوعاء الأترج
  • לאַדינאָKuti onde se mete el etrog


Gutmann, Joseph. “Sukkot and Simhat Torah in Art.” The Sukkot and Simhat Torah Anthology, ed. Philip Goodman, Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1973, pp. 25-30, 123-28.

Sabar, Shalom. “Hadar and Hiddur: The Art and Material Culture of the Etrog.” Be Fruitful! A Global History of the Etrog in Jewish Culture and Art, ed. Sharon Mintz and Warren Klein, Jerusalem: Mineged Press, 2021.

Weiser-Ferguson, Sharon. “Out of the Box: The Design of Modern and Contemporary Etrog Containers.” Be Fruitful! A Global History of the Etrog in Jewish Culture and Art, ed. Sharon Mintz and Warren Klein, Jerusalem: Mineged Press, 2021.

אויסקלײַבן אַ שפּראַך