Puchar, z którego pili członkowie bractwa pogrzebowego oraz zastawa stołowa używana na ich dorocznej uczcie.
Vivian Mann discusses beakers of the Worms Burial Society (2007).
Deitsch, Elka et al. From This World to the Next: Jewish Approaches to Illness, Death and the Afterlife. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1999, pp. 28-31.
Eis, Ruth. “A Silver Hevra Qaddisha Cup at the Judah L. Magnes Museum.” Journal of Jewish Art, ed. Bezalel Narkiss, vol. 8, 1981, pp. 83-85.
Kuntoš, Jaroslav. “Pitchers of the Mikulov (Nikolsburg) Burial Society.” Judaica Bohemiae, vol. XLVIII/48, no. 2, 2013, pp. 121-27.
Purin, Bernhard. “Hevra Kadisha Beakers from Frankfurt’s Goldsmith Workshops.” Windows on Jewish Worlds: Essays in Honor of William Gross, Collector of Judaica, ed. Shalom Sabar et al., Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2019, pp. 135-48.
Sadek, Vladimir. “Goblets and Jugs of Czech and Moravian Burial Brotherhoods.” Judaica Bohemiae, vol. XVI, no.1, 1980, p. 79.
Schachar, Isaiah.“‘Feast and Rejoice in Brotherly Love‘: Burial Society Glasses and Jugs from Bohemia and Moravia.” Israel Museum News, no. 9, 1972, pp. 22-51.
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