A very sharp knife used to slaughter animals according to dietary laws.
Shechita instruments may include cases for the knives, whetstones to sharpen the knives and cloths to wipe them.
Hebrewסכין שחיטה
RussianНож резника
FrenchCouteau d’abattage rituel
ItalianColtello per la macellazione rituale
CzechKošerovací nůž
SpanishCuchillo de matanza ritual
GreekΜαχαίρι για την τελετουργική σφαγή
PolishNóż do uboju rytualnego
Arabicسكين الذبح
LadinoKuchiyo para degoyar kasher
Image information
Shechita knives and cases. Lithuania, ca. 1900. Wood, steel, mother of pearl, carved, 43, 39, 33.5, & 27 cm. (length) x 4.3 cm (height). Gross Family Collection Trust, Tel Aviv, Israel. Photo: Ardon Bar-Hama
Laws of Shechita. Hanau, Germany 1718. Printer: Johann Ya’akov Basang. Paper, colored inks, 42 x 35 cm. Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, Israel. Photo: Ardon Bar-Hama