A ram's horn, sounded at the services on the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) and Yom Kippur as a call to repentance.
The various sounds of the shofar and their meanings explained.
Adler Cyrus, et al. “Shofar.” Jewish Encyclopedia: The Unedited Full-Text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia.
Chusid, Michael T. Hearing Shofar: The Still Small Voice of the Ram’s Horn. Vol 1-3, 2009.
Finkle, Arthur. Shofar: History, Technique and Jewish Law. Mauritius: Hadassa Word Press, 2015.
Friedman, Jonathon L., and Joel Gereboff, editors. Qol Tamid: The Shofar in Ritual, History, and Culture. Claremont, CA: Claremont Press, 2017.
Vukosavovic, Filip, editor. Sound the Shofar: A Witness to History. Jerusalem: Bible Lands Museum, 2011.
Zehavi, Oded. “Shofar.” Encyclopedia of Jewish Folklore and Traditions, ed. Raphael Patai and Haya Bar-Itzhak, vol. 2, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2013, pp. 492-96.
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