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Prayer book for Holidays



A special holiday prayer book.


  • Hebrewמחזור
  • GermanGebetbuch für die Feiertage
  • RussianПраздничный молитвенник
  • FrenchLivre de prières pour les fêtes
  • DutchGebedenboek voor de feestdagen
  • ItalianLibro di preghiere per le ricorrenze
  • CzechSváteční modlitební kniha
  • HungarianMahzor
  • SpanishLibro litúrgico para las festividades
  • GreekΠροσευχολόγιο για τις εορτές
  • PolishModlitewnik świąteczny
  • Arabicكتاب صلوات المناسبات الدينية
  • Yiddishמחזור
  • LadinoMahzor por las fyestas


Frojmovic, Eva. “Early Ashkenazic Prayer Books and Their Christian Illuminators.” Crossing Borders: Hebrew Manuscripts as a Meeting-place of Cultures, ed. Piet van Boxel and Sabine Arndt, Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2009, pp. 45-56.

Goldschmidt, Ernst Daniel. Mahzor le-Yamim Ha-Nora’im [Mahzor for High Holidays]. Jerusalem: Koren, 1970.

Sed-Rajna, Gabrielle, Le Mahzor Enluminé: Les Voies de Formation d’un Programme Iconographique [The Illuminated Mahzor: Ways of Forming an Iconographic Programme].  Leiden: Brill, 1983.

Stern, David. “‘Jewish’ Art and the Making of the Medieval Prayerbook.” Ars Judaica, vol. 6, 2010, pp. 23-44.

Twiehaus, Christiane. “The Origins of the Amsterdam Mahzor.” Shared History Project, Leo Baeck Institute, 3 Feb. 2021.

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