A special knife, a protective shield, powder flask, bowl and kiddush cup are used during the ceremony of circumcision.
A conversation between rabbis on the ritual of circumcision.
Berger, Natalia. “Klei Ha-milah: Bein Tashmishei Mittzvah Le-bein Kelim Refu’iyim [Circumcision Implements – Between Sacred Objects and Surgical Tools].” Rimonim, ed. Shalom Sabar, vol. 5, 1997, pp. 29-42.
Mann, Vivian B. “Teivat Mohel Megulefet min Ha-Me’ah Ha-18 Ve-Mekoroteya. A Carved Mohel’s Box of the 18th-Century and its Antecedents.” Divrei Ha-Kongres Ha-Olami Le-Mada’ei Ha-Yahadut. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of Jewish Studies, vol. 8, 1981, pp. 45-49.
Sabar, Shalom. “Herayion, Leyda ve-Hashanim ha-Rishonot [Pregnancy, Birth and Early Childhood].” Ma’agal Ha-hayyim (The Life Cycle), ed. Shalom Sabar, Jerusalem: Ben- Zvi Institute and the Ministry of Education,2006, pp. 61-66.
Shachar, Isaiah. Jewish Tradition in Art: The Feuchtwanger Collection of Judaica. Jerusalem: Israel Museum, 1981, pp. 18-34.
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