(megillat Esther)
El silindro ke kontyene el livro bibliko de Ester ke se melda en la sinagoga durante la fyesta de Purim
A lecture on the illustrated Esther scrolls by Sharon Liberman Mintz.
Assaf, Sharon, and Emily D. Bilski. Salom Italia’s Esther Scrolls and the Dutch Golden Age. Amsterdam: Menasseh Ben Israel Institute and the Jewish Historical Museum Amsterdam, 2011.
Budzioch, Dagmara. “Italian Origins of the Decorated Scrolls of Esther.” Kwartalnik Historii Żydów: Jewish History Quarterly, vol. 257, no. 1, 2016, pp. 35-49.
Budzioch, Dagmara. “Midrashic Tales in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century Illustrated Esther Scrolls.” Kwartalnik Historii Żydów: Jewish History Quarterly, vol. 263, nr.3, 2017, pp. 405-422.
Budzioch, Dagmara. Zdobione zwoje Estery: ze zbiorów Muzeum Żydowskiego Instytut Historycznego w Warszawie na tle tradycji dekorowania megilot Ester w XVII i XVIII wieku [The Decorated Esther Scrolls: From the Collection of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw and the Tradition of ‘Megilot Esther’ decoration in the seventeenth and eighteenth century]. Warsaw: Emanuel Ringelblum and Jewish Historical Institute, 2019.
Gutmann, Joseph. “Estherrolle [Esther Scroll].” Reallexikon zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte Labor, vol. 6, 1968, pp. 88-103.
Metzger, M. “The Earliest Engraved Italian Megilloth.” The Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, vol. 48, no. 2, 1966, pp. 381-432.
Mintz, Sharon Liberman. “A Persian Tale in Turkish Garb: Exotic Imagery in Eighteenth-Century Illustrated Esther Scrolls.” For Everything a Season: Proceedings of the Symposium on Jewish Ritual Art, ed. Joseph Gutman, Cleveland: Cleveland State University, 2002, pp. 76-101.
Mintz, Sharon Liberman, and Elka Deitsch. “Esther Imagined. The Art and History of Decorated Megillot.” A Journey through Jewish Worlds: Highlights from the Braginsky Collection of Hebrew Manuscripts and Printed Books, ed. E.M. Cohen et al., Amsterdam: Bijzondere Collecties, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2009, pp. 226-89.
Sabar, Shalom. “A New Discovery: The Earliest Illustrated Esther Scroll by Shalom Italia.” Ars Judaica, vol. 8, 2012, pp. 119-136.
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