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Puntali per la Torah



Puntali ornamentali posizionati sopra le aste del rotolo della Torah. Sono spesso a forma di torri o frutti.


A Venezia, in occasione di Tishah beAv, dei rimmonim in legno sostituiscono quelli in argento.


How to dress a Torah scroll.


  • Ebraicoרימונים
  • IngleseTorah finials
  • TedescoTora-Aufsätze
  • RussoНавершие для свитка Торы
  • FranceseFleurons de la Torah
  • OlandeseSiertorens
  • CecoNástavce na Tóru
  • UnghereseRimonpár
  • SpagnoloRemates de la Torá
  • GrecoΕπιστέψεις των ορθοστατών της Τορά
  • PolaccoZwieńczenia drążków Tory
  • Araboتيجان لفيفة التوراة
  • Yiddishרימונים
  • LadinoRimonim


Fornari, Salvatore. Gli Argenti Romani. Rome: Edizioni Del Tritone, 1968.

Gelfer-Jørgensen, Mirjam. “Towers and Bells: The Symbolism of Torah Finials.” Studia Rosenthaliana, vol. 37, Peeters Publishers, 2004, pp. 37–54.

Grafman, Rafi. Crowning Glory: Silver Torah Ornaments of the Jewish Museum, New York. Boston: David R. Godine Publisher, 1996, pp. 185-260.

Grafman, Rafi. 50 Rimmonim: A Selection of Torah Finials from a European Family Collection. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1998.

Schoenberger, Guido. “The Ritual Silver Made by Myer Myers.” Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, vol. 43, no. 1, Johns Hopkins University Press, American Jewish Historical Society, 1953, pp. 1–9. (Reprinted in Beauty in Holiness: Studies in Jewish Customs and Ceremonial Art, edited by Joseph Gutmann, New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1970, pp. 66-78.

Stone, Jonathon. “English Silver Rimmonim and Their Makers.” Quest 1: September 1965, London: P. Hamlyn, 1965, pp. 23-29.

Tahon, Dalith. “‘Tappuhim’: Torah Finials from Morocco.” Israel Museum Journal, vol. 7, 1988, pp. 87-95.

Yaniv, Bracha. “The Mystery of the Flat Torah Finials from East Persia.” Judeo-Iranian and Jewish Studies Series: Padyavand, ed. Amnon Netzer, vol. 1, Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 1996, pp. 63-74.

Yaniv, Bracha. “Tochen Ve-Zura Be-Rimonei Keter M’Mizrach Paras Ve-Aghanistan [Content and Form in the Flat Torah Finials from Eastern Iran and Afghanistan].” Pe’amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry, vol. 79, Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, 1999, pp. 96-128.

Yaniv, Bracha. “Ha-Rimon Le-Sefer Torah Me-Tipus Migdalei Be-Tzafon Afrika: Mekorotaw Ve-Hitpastuto, Amanaw, Ve-Haspa’ato [The Architectural-Type of Torah Finials in North Africa: Its Origins, Silversmiths, Design and Geographical Distribution].” The Paths of Daniel. Studies in Judaism and Jewish Culture in Honor of Rabbi Professor Daniel Sperber, ed. Adam S. Ferziger and David Sperber, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2017, pp. 553-84.

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